Call the Planning Division at 916-727-4740 to see if your lot qualifies for an exemption. Sand bags are available at City Hall, 916-725-2448. Your application is reviewed based on the decision criteria outlined in the city's Tree Preservation Ordinance. The city recognizes that mature trees are a valuable resource for the community. In 2011, the City adopted a comprehensive update to these regulations. City Ordinances. The source materials used in the preparation of the code were the Sacramento County Code adopted by the city shortly after incorporation and ordinances subsequently adopted by the City Council. To ensure protection measures are used, a tree permit must be obtained prior to doing any construction or grading under the protection zone of the tree. This Ordinance is adopted under the authority of Government Code subsection 50022.2 and Health and Safety Code Section 18941.5. If this answer is greater than 6 for an oak tree or greater than 19 for other types of trees, than a tree permit must be filed. Native oak trees and other mature trees 19 inches or greater in diameter are protected and are require a permit for removal. Contact the Planning Division for further information. Some properties require a tree permit to perform any work on or around native oak trees and other mature trees 19 inches or greater in diameter. The Citrus Heights Municipal Code constitutes a codification of the general and permanent ordinances of the city. The property owner will be informed of approval or denial of the tree permit and the permit can be paid for and picked up at … If the trees are on the side of a street, the adjacent business/property owner is responsible. Sacramento City Ordinances. Within fifteen (15) days of its adoption, this ordinance shall be published or posted in accordance with California Government Code section 36933. Trees benefit the community in several ways: 6360 Fountain Square Drive Citrus Heights CA 95621. - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. The measure, … On January 28, 2020, the City Council unanimously passed Ordinance No. City of Elk Grove Tree Permit Application PAGE 4 SPACE FOR SKETCH OR ADDITIONAL DETAILS . Reporting Dead Trees. Click hereto read the adopted regulations. be it enacted by the council of the city … THE CITY OF CITRUS HEIGHTS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Purpose and Authority The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend Article 5, Section 106.50.110 through Section These maintenance efforts do not include illegal encroachment… Nos. Oak trees 6 inches or greater, and other species 19 inches or greater are protected and require a tree permit. Construction or grading under the dripline of an oak tree may cause stress and root damage to a tree. Mandatory garbage collection service is typical in cities and counties throughout the country and is the standard for most California jurisdictions. Branches and roots from plants on one property that encroach on a neighbor’s property are generally considered a legal nuisance. C1 Agency Name: City of Citrus Heights C2 Address: 6360 Fountain Square Drive C3 Contact Name: Casey Kempenaar C4 Title: Senior Planner C5 Phone Number: 916-727-4764 C6 Phone Extention: C7 Email: 1a Is your agency adopting a single agency ordinance OR a regional agency alliance ordinance? By reducing, reusing, recycling and buying recycled-content products, every Californian can help protect the health and well-being of our people and environment, and support growth in our state’s green economy with more jobs and recycling-based enterprises. Prepare now to prevent future flooding. In general, only light trimming of branches 2 inches or less in diameter is permitted without the approval of a tree permit. Native oak trees and other mature trees 19 inches or greater in diameter are protected and are require a permit for removal. 97-01, and continued in effect by Ord. Motion to recommend that the City Council approve Ordinance Text Amendments for Section 106.38.040.B (Prohibited Signs) and Section ... Approval of a Tree Permit to remove several trees within Large, healthy trees increase property values. This maintenance responsibility covers County owned roadway frontages, medians, pedestrian walkways, soundwalls, bike lanes, and overpasses. - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. Background and Analysis Source materials used in the preparation of the Code were the Sacramento County Code, as adopted by city Ordinance No. The City’s adopted regulations apply to four types of trees as follows: 1. Measure M is an ordinance that would allow the City of Citrus Heights to tax people shopping within the city a 1% local sales tax. These regulations were first adopted by Sacramento County (prior to incorporation of the City) in 1981. Trees contribute to the visual framework, climate control, preservation of other natural resources, property values, and provide a critical element of nature in an urban environment in the city. In it, you will find all the answers related to tree removal laws and whether you need a permit to remove a tree on your property. Large, healthy trees increase property values. Tree permits may require the submittal of site plan (PDF) and arborist report (PDF). Ordinance No. COVID-19 - (Coronavirus) City Hall is still here for YOU, Mature trees 19 inches or more in diameter, Trees planted as part of a condition of approval or mitigation requirement with a discretionary permit. For additional information, contact the Planning Division. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Citrus Heights this 22nd day of September, 2016 by the following vote: Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. 1299 - An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing the Tree Preservation Ordinance as set forth in Chapter 12.16 of the Folsom Municipal Code. Over the years, native oak trees have declined in number to accommodate agriculture and development at a much faster pace than natural regeneration. Lots under 10,000 square feet in area and part of a subdivision may be exempt from the tree permit fee. This includes focusing on public safety while promoting aesthetically pleasing and healthy landscaped areas. 2019 - _____, as shown in Attachment 1 an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Citrus Heights to amend Chapter 106.32 of the Zoning Code in regard to Affordable Housing Incentives. Trees provide food and protection for many types of wildlife. SCC 12.56 – Trees Generally ** Water Conserving Landscape Ordinance (pdf) **Sacramento City Code 12.56 was amended and adopted by Sacramento City Council on August 4, 2016. Trees can save energy costs by shading houses and decreasing heat absorption during the summer as well as blocking and redirecting wind flow during the winter. COVID-19 - (Coronavirus) City Hall is still here for YOU. City of Citrus Heights Planning Department Notice to Applicant - Page 2 1) Comply with all adopted City of Citrus Heights Codes and regulations, including but not limited to the Citrus Heights Municipal Code & Zoning Ordinance, Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire Code and Sacramento County Environmental Health Department Standards. 1. citrus heights code city of citrus heights, california: supplement history table: chapter 1. general provisions: chapter 2. administration: chapter 6. alcoholic beverages: chapter 8. animal care and regulations: chapter 10. amusements and entertainments: chapter … 09/08/2020 - ORDINANCE 4410 - Boards and Commissions (PDF) 09/22/2020 - ORDINANCE 4463 - Medical Marijuana Hours of Operation Text Amendment (PDF) This Code constitutes a codification of the general and permanent ordinances of the City of Citrus Heights, California. To protect the shapeliness and health of the tree, trimming of branches greater than 2 inches shall not be performed without the consultation of a certified tree arborist and the approval of a tree permit. The injured party may start a civil action or “abate the nuisance” themselves. Native oak trees have existed as dominant and magnificent features in the landscape of the Central Valley of California for several centuries. 2 1b Date of adoption OR anticipated adoption: 11/12/2015 in this Ordinance. If a permit is required, file the Tree Permit application (PDF) with the $30 filing fee to the Planning Division. The city's Tree Regulations provide information on the sizes and species that are exempt and do not require a permit. In the case of encroaching limbs or roots, abating the nuisance usually means that you can trim them back to the property line. Trees of loca… Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. Trees contribute to the attractiveness and livability of Citrus Heights. Trees fight the atmosphere greenhouse effect by absorbing carbon dioxide and capturing pollution in leaves. Some have summaries, others are links to your cities Tree Preservation Ordinance. To calculate the diameter of a tree, measure the tree's circumference and divide by 3.142. Additionally, Council passed Resolution No. Please keep this in mind when reporting dead trees: If the trees are in a median or park, please call 311. Need Sand Bags? date adopted. 4792 to Increase the City's Tree Mitigation Fees. The SACDOT Trees and Landscape Maintenance Section has primary County-wide responsibility for maintaining trees and vegetation within the road right-of-way in the unincorporated area. The full text of the adopted ordinance is available in the City Clerk’s office, 6360 Fountain Square Drive, Citrus Heights, CA 95621 or (916) 727 – 4704 or The Purpose of this Ordinance is also to provide minimum requirements and standards for the protection of public safety, health, property and welfare of the City of Citrus Heights. The tree may also be inspected by the City Arborist. Fiscal Impact There is no fiscal impact associated with this action. 6360 Fountain Square Drive Citrus Heights CA 95621. The new tree ordinance amends section 2.62.030 & 8.04.100, and deletes chapter 12.60 & 12.64 of the Sacramento City Code, related to trees. 10377 - A Resolution Amending Resolution No. CALL MEETING TO ORDER ... B. A City arborist will inspect City trees and private protected trees when there is a request for a tree pruning or removal permit. City Of Auburn 1225 Lincoln Way, Auburn, California 95603 Phone: (530) 823-4211 TREE PERMIT APPLICATION INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION: The City of Auburn Zoning Ordinance requires a permit before conducting regulated activities that may remove or otherwise adversely affect native trees in the City of Auburn. Landmark trees, which are trees specifically identifies for protection by the City Council; 2. Trees conserve water and reduce soil erosion. Cal This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. The City of Citrus Heights has an ordinance for mandatory garbage collection service for all improved parcels within the city limits. Some removals may require the replanting of trees or the payment of a mitigation fee and a report from a certified arborist. Property owners desiring to remove 1 or more protected trees shall file a tree permit application with the Planning Division. If the trees are on private property (such as in a … Amy Van City Clerk code of ordinances. 2.1.1 City of Citrus Heights Code of Ordinances The City of Citrus Heights Design Review Permit Guidelines and Code of Ordinances Chapter 106.39, Tree Preservation and Protection, state that the applicant for any project falling within the scope of the Guidelines and/or Ordinance will provide the Planning Department with: Trees contribute to the attractiveness and livability of Citrus Heights. The Citrus Heights Municipal Code constitutes a codification of the general and permanent ordinances of the city. ordinance no. Trees contribute to the visual framework, climate control, preservation of other natural resources, property values, and provide a critical element of nature in an urban environment in the city. The City of Elk Grove has adopted regulations for the preservation and protection of the existing tree stock in the City. Citrus Heights Police Department 6315 Fountain Square Drive Citrus Heights, CA 95621; Lobby Hours Monday through Friday - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday - Closed temporarily until further notice Sunday - Closed Lobby Closed New Years Day Fourth of July Thanksgiving Christmas Day AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CITRUS HEIGHTS, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ARTICLE 5, CHAPTER 106.50 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE, CONCERNING SPECIAL PLANNING AREAS . The Tree Protection and Replacement Plan shall provide for appropriate protection measures for any trees (that qualify as protected under the city’s ordinance) to be retained onsite and replacement of trees (that ... Citrus Heights (City) and the Native American Heritage Commission as appropriate. Storm Season begins in October and continues through late spring. Trees trap and hold harmful pollutants and produce oxygen. an ordinance amending sections 2.62.030 and 8.04.100, repealing and adding chapter 12.56, and repealing chapters 12.60 and 12.64 of the sacramento city code, relating to trees . adopted by the sacramento city council. 6360 Fountain Square Drive Citrus Heights, CA 95621 Phone: 916-725-2448 TTY/DD: CA Relay Service 7-1-1 Fax: 916-725-5799 CITY OF CITRUS HEIGHTS PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES April 22, 2015 1. Below is a list of links to tree removal ordinances in each state and city. A clearly defined, reasonable, and effective ordinance guides the growth of a long-term community tree canopy that provides improved air quality, public and mental health, welfare, safety and environmental benefits to the residents, businesses, and visitors of Rancho Cordova. 2020-010, adopted November 12, 2020. The tree's protection zone is figured by creating a radius equal to 1 foot past the tree's canopy. 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