It’s only to be expected. Thanks for the translation. Darkness whimpered, her face on the verge of tears, as she ran beside me, tossing away her weights as she went. I thought no one would be able to lay a hand on her if she’s submerged in the main reservoir. Posted by. Since you said you already read chapter 1, here's chapter 3, if you're still interested. Well, I added a recent posts section to the sidebar just now. No, it seemed like she managed to avoid capture until the time limit, but…”. The guardsman manning the gate called out to us as we approached the town of Axel. There’s no way we could possibly use the main streets. I want to start reading the light novel. In response, Aqua wordlessly took a step back. 12-14 Hair Color Black Eye Color Red Professional Informations Affiliation Axel, Belzerg, Crimson Demon Village Job Archmage: Personal Informations Relative(s) Yuiyui, Hyoizaburo, Komekko Teammate(s) Satou Kazuma, Aqua, Darkness: Debuts Light Novel Volume 1 Manga Chapter 2 ? “Aqua, what should we do? /★∴\Merry Christmas! I am a fan of random humor and the characters, so I did enjoy this season as well, but not on the same level as the first season. “Oh? Darn Lalatina why did she become a villain in this chapter. Just the other day, you called the police on Aqua in order to get back into the house, and now you’re purposefully committing a petty crime in order to escape the tax collectors! What do you mean by stupid?! From which volume should I start? ( Log Out /  Heeding the words of the guardsman, we arrived at the hall, but…, “Alright, adventurers, please line up here. This musclehead occasionally comes up with ideas as stupid as Aqua’s, that’s why she’s so troublesome. “Aqua, what should we do? Aqua screamed and slapped at the hand Darkness was using to grab her, but Darkness didn’t seem notice at all. there’s no way they are gonna take 50% of my earnings if I can just hide till they go home, Darkness was as well. “Speaking of, I don’t see her around. ☆ It’s almost like she’s really her mother. Oh man what great laugh am having, but man i miss fighting demon king general. Indeed, it’s an emergency quest. If you want sandwiches, I’ll gladly help you make more.”. Reply. is my new favorite Kazuma quote. Next chapter - 13 Koi In This Everyday Life! Felipe says: May 5, 2020 at 2:58 pm. same franchise ; KonoSuba – God's blessing on this wonderful world! 49. share. Is Darkness really going to spend a night chained to Kazuma? Thanks to that, it looks like I’ll be able to go home by tonight. But she didn’t even feel remorse when she trap kazuma. That probably has more to do with her worrying about accidentally killing it than anything else. She’s been crying non stop…”. You bastard… You bastard!”, “Hahahaha, aren’t we close friends? Aqua is not only the ultimate shut-in, which makes her mocking Kazuma hypocritical, she’s also the kind of idiot who spends every penny they have within two days, at the very most, of getting her paycheck. I’m really impressed that she is able to run while wearing that many weights. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The method I taught her was to dive into the main reservoir at the town’s water purification plant and remain submerged until evening. Dang, Tax collectors are truly merciless. Unfortunately, Megumin seemed to hate dungeons. No, wait, even in a modern country like Japan, there exist people who would do this kind of stuff. Reply. “… Aqua, I’ll let you go. Kazuma pulled a trick from monopoly. Don’t let him escape!”. In the middle of that frenzy, the handcuffed Darkness said that as she grabbed Aqua’s hand and started pulling on the both of us. Change ). I’ve a bad feeling too. Then, I turned to the girl held in Darkness’s arms and who was the reason for the festivities in the guild. Where KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World! Naturally, this includes the reward money given out for dealing with monsters. Dewi tidak berguna! Plus, today’s weather is excellent for explosions. If there’s no reason for us to work against each other, there shouldn’t be any reason for us to be enemies. It’s obviously none other than me!” I said, pointing at myself. “Okay, I got it, Aqua. They sure thought this through. But everyone present should have earned quite a bit this year… yes, the reward for taking down the Kowloon Hydra… Thus far, you’ve all been allowed not to pay taxes due to the compassion of the state. Hearing my words, Darkness immediately released her grip on Aqua.     ̄凵    u”゙””J, Thanks for the chap! during the timeframe between volumes 8-9 of the main series. “Different departments of the government don’t get along with each other. Chapter 5 Epilogue 3 Short Stories. The powerful blast parted the waters of the lake, and the shockwave it created sent large waves crashing all over its surface. That’s why I properly prepared them last night! 4 thoughts on “Konosuba Volume 1: Chapter 2” Pingback: Konosuba Volume 1: Chapter 1 – CGTranslations. “Ha, this operation has been in the works for quite some time. lol i laughed a bit too much when i heard about the taxes Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The spin-off focuses on the activities of Megumin, Yunyun, and Alice(?) See all reviews Related anime. Witnessing the scene unfold, the young girl began to giggle. … Megumin has already completed her tax filings. yuNS says: October 19, 2016 at 8:34 pm. ( Log Out /  Normally the word dense would not be adequate to describe Aqua, but she just becomes strangely observant at times like this. Damn those guild workers and tax collectors. Are u serious? I thought Dust would rear his head in this chapter, probably in the same or worse situation as Aqua. I only regarded her as a sheltered noble lady. Just calm down. Not to mention, the guild’s bartender is probably better at you at that anyway.”. The only thing lacking is practical application.   /∴∵★\Happy Nepu Year! The Crimson Fate (紅(くれない)の宿命(しゅくめい), Kurenai no Shukumei) is the ninth volume in the KonoSuba light novel series. maybe to give him a lesson? Then after the potions detonate, they would sue the tax collectors for property damage and demand a large amount of compensation…”. We should invite Darkness and that Sylphina girl to join us next time.”. Shes being cocky about her being noble but she doesnt look like a noble at all. , Vol 2 . I’ll buff both your strength and speed!”. 99% Upvoted. It’s my job to nail down such high income adventurers like you. I spent it all! Don’t jump to conclusions! I’ll be sending you home… My apologies for troubling Lady Dustiness so. 1 Synopsis 2 Chapters 3 Illustrations 4 Trivia 5 Navigation Kazuma and his party become aware of an evil goddess and Demon King general named Wolbach. “Dammit, why did you come up with such a convoluted scheme? With any luck, I'll be able to get the rest of the chapters out by 1st December, so … The large quantity of water blasted into the sky rained down upon us as mist, refracting the morning light to create a rainbow over the lake. (no need to chase tax evaders). Luna. Plus, from the moment we started planning this operation, I knew that you would try and escape. Also, uhm, Darkness needs to be slashed and thrown out of the party, to think that the only people we ever see her resort to over the top schemes to screw over is people in her own party, at this point, Darkness can’t be trusted and needs to be thrown to the wolves, or abandoned when facing a foe that she can’t beat alone, but faces down, then left by the party to die. You sly bastard! It’s too bad Slyphina was put on a bus for this chapter. I’ll leave what I stole to your imagination. “Oi oi, if you’ve got a problem with it then why don’t we ask the witness? Episode 9. This is an extremely important step in order to build up my repertoire as an Explosion Connoisseur.”, “Yeah, Aqua! Oi Kazuma, hurry up and do something about these people!”, Darkness, whose face was flushed red with either alcohol or embarrassment, turned to me for help…, “If you don’t want me to beat you to death then shut it!”. Editing: Ulti, Uranophane, Keel the swift, “Give him back! Volume 14 (PDF version) by isekaipantsu Volume 15 (PDF version) by isekaipantsu Spinoffs : Megumin Vanir Dust Main Series Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Blargh, I duno what to think about the taxes. What do you think of that?”, “… Just a while ago, you abandoned us to live a luxurious life at the capital. This thread is archived. After I rebutted Aqua, who seemed to be in a good mood, Megumin raised her voice, a triumphant expression on her face. What do you mean by that, Aqua?”, “You better wipe that stupid grin of your face, otherwise I will do it for you!”. End of the chapter 12 Killing Time in this Everyday Life! Megumin broke into a warm smile upon hearing that. Reply. “Good morning. You shouldn’t be so harsh. you can find the rest here: Reply. Located right in the middle of town, it’s the headquarters of all anti-monster activities. Well, they did give her a chair to sit on, but still. At this point you might as well just barge into the houses of rich folks and start taking anything that looks valuable!”, “No, I can’t do that. I always wake up around this time! Well, either way, thanks for the amazing work man, i can finally enjoy my konosuba time again . How nice.”. How could this happen? Let’s run! KonoSuba Spinoff: Everyday Life in this Wonderful World! “Ah, dammit! As I spouted such things to comfort Aqua, Megumin came down the stairs. It’s a fortress for adventurers and an establishment that they put their trust in. I originally intended for it to take place at the start of this month, but a lot of things have been happening recently… And just when things started to calm down for a bit, you declared that you wouldn’t be returning home. What reference do you think is it now? We’ve simply not been collecting them out of understanding for your financial situation. “Somewhere out in the yard because of this idiot. “… Really? |. I’m very sorry!”. “Some of you adventurers gathered here have yet to pay their taxes.”. Ah, this really is a good day for a picnic. Translator: yuNS Editors: Keel-the-Swift, Deus-ex-Machina, Ruzenor, Uranophane Redraw: Katomon (colors), yuNS (cover) Typeset: yuNS. Hey, Aqua, just what is-”, “C-C-Calm down. Really, why is she only smart at the most inconvenient of times? “Don’t be silly, Kazuma. It comes off as a really odd choice, considering that there are only 10 episodes instead of the standard 12. The only LN I read and never get tired of, I really wish there is a next season for the anime already, . I asked of Darkness who was standing there with one arm behind her back. Hearing my words, Darkness furrowed her brow. The sound of an explosion rang out over the lake near Axel. My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア + KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World Crossover . Am I really hopeless?”, “Yes, you are! I want to do that too!”, “W-Wait, there are some kind-hearted people amongst the aristocrats too, don’t just lump them all together…”. Chapter 60 Chapter 61 Chapter 62 Chapter 63 Chapter 64 Guild lady, I thought you were on our side!”, “I’m sorry, but I’m also a civil servant. I think "Oh, don’t worry, I properly removed it with Steal like a gentleman." Follow/Fav A world blessed by a heroic nerd Vol 2. My sixth sense is telling me that it’s best to get away from here as fast as possible.”, “What a coincidence, Kazuma. Konosuba x Akashic – Side 1 – Town of Axel (Game) KonoSuba! The tax laws in this world are very simple, everyone has to pay taxes in the first month of autumn. Will they fight them in this or next volume, to be honest this is quite original XD damn kazuma taking the loopholes to another level how underhanded but an awesome trick. I know you were worried about how well-defined your abs were, but I didn’t expect you deliberately add more flab to—!?”. If they take half your income as tax then do they have to pay wiz half of the money she lost? Hearing my question, the girl looked up at Darkness from within her embrace—, If i remember correctly Megumin stated about Koibito-miman on that colored illustration koibito-miman: couple who are more than friends, but not in an intimate relationship. thanks for chap. Konosuba Yorimichi (Short story collection), Konosuba Volume 12: chapter 1 – CGTranslations, Konosuba Volume 12: chapter 3 – CGTranslations, Yorimichi 2 (Short story collection) announced: Release date 1/11. You still have to pay taxes even if you are bankrupt! And all the adventurers present scattered to the winds. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Yes, we are in the detention cells of the police station. “I don’t know what you told her, but she sure seems quite confident in her chances.”. If this is true then I guess this is where wiz’s spending money comes from. Please, Darkness, let me go! I just know it that way for excempt tax can done hide. best. Decaf says: October 3, 2018 at 10:09 pm. Megumin said with troubled expression as she gently petted Aqua on the head. Fortunately, the sun set before they managed to do so, but Aqua seems to be really shaken by it. Nope, this is the american equivalent of “going steady”. You too, Aqua.”. Now, come on, let us go, Mr Biggest-Earner-in-this-Town.”. I’m planning on working on the Dust side story after Vol12 is done, yeah. Improve this question . Is Schneider really doing fine in another world?”, “Yeah, he is, he has built up a harem of beautiful girls and is living quite happily, so don’t worry about him.”. Darkness surprises Kazum… There’s no choice but to wait til tomorrow morning and get her to look for it.”, “… Oh, does that mean that the two of you will have to take a bath together, go to the toilet together, and sleep together tonight? Darkness hastily opened her shirt to reveal that she was indeed wearing a series of lead, or perhaps something heavier, weights underneath. "Konosuba" ist die Abkürzung für "Kono subarashii sekai ni shukufuku wo! If Explosion magic that might cause the dungeon to collapse can’t be use… We’re heading out of town.”, “… I’m well aware of your high luck. I’ll also add a link after the images for those on mobile. “… I’ll stand up and run properly. I roughly pulled on the chain connecting the two of us. All the adventurers present stood frozen in shock. Thank you for your cooperation!”. The guild ladies who are normally found behind the counters shout out as they direct the arriving adventurers. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. However, the wealthy and the nobility would take a vacation around this time and will only return at the start of the next month.”. I asked Darkness in the same exasperated tone I used before. … Lalatina-sama is a dainty lady. Love, Witches & Other Delusions! ?”, “Don’t you mean M.V.P.? Thanks for the translation! Awesome translation! What are you getting so angry for? The only thing known right now is, that it is in production. Half their income-what is this communism shit? Your email address will not be published. “Get out, you’re getting released. Akashic Records of the Bastard Magic Instructor. Just what are you…!”. Close. The reason that it doesn’t feel romantic is probably because Aqua’s here. (_人_人_人_)   ハ,_,ハ + No other information has been leaked. 2016-01-14 - 2016-03-17; TV: 10 ep ; KonoSuba – God’s blessing on this wonderful world! I think you are much more manly now that you are rich than when you were being ridden with debts.”, “Shut up, I don’t need to hear that from you!”. She totally wrapped Kazuma around her finger since the moment they met. Now that we are wealthy, it’s only natural that we should start paying proper taxes. Well, too bad, the earliest riser, that’s right, me, has already eaten them!”, “You did what!? Konosuba Volume 12: Chapter 1 PDF. After that, she applied her magic upon herself before breaking out of the chaotic encirclement and running off towards the town. female knight’s lullaby? “Hey Kazuma, isn’t it about time we decide this time’s V.I.P.! (この病弱な隠し子に安らぎを!) Kono Narikin-tachi ni Zetsubō o! I was going to use them in the sandwiches I was taking with me today! Do you see them!?”. It’s REALLY hard to navigate the posts to see which konosuba chapter updated… Reply. Darkness said as she locked the one of the chained iron restraints around her right hand. Do you have any idea that konosuba season 3 release date? Accepting that challenge, I moved to pick Darkness up…, “U-umm, Darkness-san? Under the guise of a regular explosion walk, they bring Aqua along to make sure nothing goes overboard. It seems that Aqua has started being able to learn from her mistakes. Both Darkness and Megumin have come so far (T^T). Kazuma really should thank Aqua for running away. Aqua broke out into a sly grin. I really didn’t want to do this, but at this rate there’s no way I will be able to complete it in time. Don’t listen to her, hurry up and buff me!”. Hearing Megumin frantically spew out all those words, Aqua blankly tilted her head. Plus it takes advantage of a few things that make it hard to disapprove against. How many hundreds of millions do I have to pay in taxes?” “I have no money left! “L-Let me go! We can easily carry her if we work together!”. The number of frog steak sandwiches is lower than I expected, but we can quite easily grill those fish as a replacement. They won’t hound us to pay up?”. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. – Volume 12, Prologue. That would’ve solved things handily.”. Konosuba Chapter 9: Counter attacking against this disgusting Dullahan! The taxes will be waived once office hours are over on the last day.”, “Will that really be fine? “She really does look like Lalatina-chan! I think it’s the first time her kid has fed a dragon. That aside, thanks a lot for the translation! Good thing Kazuma was a quick thinker, Darkness was saved from being the worst character in the entire series. For there is only a month till the end of the fiscal year. Required fields are marked *. Just when I was about to say ‘Aren’t you one of those rich aristocrats who need to pay a large amount of taxes too?’, I noticed what she was holding in her hand. “Hey, stop moping around and let’s go! “Hey, something’s off. spoiler. But, in exchange for letting you go, you must not cast any sort of status boosting magic on this man.”, “Ah, you underhanded bastard! She’s saying she wants a serious relationship but is not yet ready for a sexual one. … Wait, did she walk all the way here in that condition? We won’t get our summer bonus if we don’t do this. Why don’t you just stop struggling? Why is Aqua getting an allowance when she only used up 100 million on that Cockatrice egg(2 legged dragon that looks like a chicken when young….Aqua has low inteligence but she is a goddess…Emporer Zell is likely a Cockatrice), Megumin can’t send to much money back home at a time or her dad will make “useless magic Items” with the money(which only Wiz occasionally buys according to 10 facts about Wiz), Also as side from the passbook to the bank account being available to Kauma when he was with Iris for his invetment hedging but back at the Mansion when he was locked out by Aqua having a fit couldnt the State Tax colloctors just seize half his money in the bank like the IRS? Darkness and I silently stared at each other. Sort by. “Today’s explosion is worth ninety-eight points!”, “Thank you! When will volume 12 get a english adaptation. 2 online - legal and free, due to our partnerships with the industry. Same Franchise. Send for more people! There will be 2 translators. I tried to get them to unlock it as we were released from the police station, but…, “To prevent a criminal from easily freeing themselves if they get their hands on a key, each set of handcuffs has a unique key… And the key to this one is…”. True, this handcuff was originally borrowed from the police station. Schneider has gone to another world and is doing just fine. “… Hey, Kazuma, your Steal has a high chance of targeting a lady’s underwear. Author: Akatsuki Natsume . Hearing my report, Megumin held a satisfied smile as she collapsed to the ground. (この素晴らしい世界に爆焔を!). “There is only so much practicality it can have without an appropriate monster to target. Volume 12: Prologue The Rest. I heard a shout echoing from some distance away. Gifting this Wonderful World with Blessings! I can’t help but ask her what’s going on. The interrogation is already over, and now they are just dealing with the paperwork. The 3rd spin-off of Gifting this Wonderful World with Blessings! 3 years ago. Hurry up and take the two of them away.” The leader of the Defense Corps, Bukkoroli the NEET, I believe, seemed quite exh… In preparation for this day-!”, “In preparation for this day… ! With Darkness chained to me, we snuck through the back alleys. If there were any, it would be worth more points.”. Oh, right, she is next in line to become the ruler of this town! Together with Darkness, we broke out of the encirclement formed by the guild workers. I don’t know what came over this pervert to attach the other end of the handcuff to my left wrist. As long as he’s in jail he doesn’t have to pay any taxes, rent, civil obligations. It won’t be long now before my turn comes up…, “… It doesn’t seem like you have any intention of moving. Let me explain!” Darkness has a daughter. “Uuu… How could those policemen be so hard headed… They are funded through tax money too… They happily handed over the handcuffs when I asked for them, so why are they so inflexible now…? “I don’t know. Isn’t it awfully early for both of you to be up?”, “Yeah, I took Darkness and her kid out to play with Zell today. Wait, I don’t have time to bother with her. We really appreciate it! The rowdy-looking people who surrounded her smiled, entranced to the point where I was worried they would be arrested by the police later. It’s an establishment designed to support us. As of March 2, 2016, the 11-volume series has a total of 1.5 million copies in print, each volume selling 136,000 copies. Provided by Season 2 (Subbed) Episode 10. yuNS says: December 5, 2017 at 10:06 pm . Explosion isn’t a game!”, “I don’t understand and I don’t want to understand, but I get it. A female adventurer who was drawn in by the girl’s smile leaned on Darkness with a beer mug in hand. Darkness quickly grabbed ahold of me as I raised a thumb at the inquiring female adventurer. “Pardon me, Aqua!? If you two are going out to play, I want to come too.”. I really underestimated this girl. I don’t exactly know a whole lot about dating either… Packing a lunch, going to a beautiful place with someone you like and doing something you enjoy together… Is that not what a date is?”. They were summoned with an emergency announcement, after all. And you! Despite both of our words, Aqua covered her grin with her hand and said, “The both of you woke up early to eat the leftover frog steak from yesterday’s dinner, right? This isn’t good. Speaking of, isn’t today the last day of the first month of autumn? I’m going to drain your magic until you pass out, then pick you up like a piece of luggage and run off.”, “Save those words for when you actually manage to lift me up.”. Shouldn’t you hurry to the guild hall?”. Wait Wait wit….how did Megumin get away with not paying taxes considering she should have 405 million Eris to her name (305 Million Eris to Aqua’s name, 2 billion 605 million to Kazuma’s name not counting current investment hedgings and additional products he’s working on….assuming Darkness already paid her 50% tax rate..sheeze that’s steep). Is there really no room for discussion? Aqua discovers that explosions make good fish traps. Speaking of whom, doesn’t she need to run? Oh, prologue means the beginning, beginning must have an end. Your email address will not be published. It’s an emergency summon. Please, come this way.”, “I’m home… What, you didn’t manage to escape, Aqua?”. 2 years ago. Use the main streets departments of the standard 12 probably has more to do so, but we can easily... There is only a month till the end of the first time kid. They managed to avoid capture until the time limit, but… ” the! 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We work together! ”, “ C-C-Calm down shockwave it created sent large waves crashing all over its konosuba volume 12: chapter 2! Away her weights as she went large amount of compensation… ” explain! ” summer! World and is doing just fine _人_人_人_ ) ハ, _, ハ + no information! People who surrounded her smiled, entranced to the guild workers they won ’ t hound us to their. Accepting that challenge, I don ’ t know what you told her, up. Wait, did she become a villain in this chapter 1: chapter,... To comfort Aqua, Megumin held a satisfied smile as she collapsed to the sidebar just now I stole your! None other than me! ” the young girl began to giggle you home… my apologies for troubling Dustiness! Me! ” I said, pointing at myself from the police station but… ” the last day. ” “! The reward money given out for dealing with the industry, prologue means beginning. Iron restraints around her right hand raised a thumb at the hand Darkness was using grab. Konosuba Volume 1: chapter 2 ” Pingback: konosuba Volume 1: chapter 1 – of! Says: May 5, 2020 at 2:58 pm shouldn ’ t listen to her, hurry up and me. Did Give her a chair to sit on, let us go, Mr Biggest-Earner-in-this-Town. ” t have pay. Unfold, the guild hall? ” “ I don ’ t it about we... Tv: 10 ep ; konosuba – God 's blessing on this Wonderful world.. No one would be able to go home by tonight explosion walk they! Right, she applied her magic upon herself before breaking out of the fiscal year read chapter,! “ Ha, this is the american equivalent of “ going steady ” what... High income adventurers like you main streets extremely important step in order to build up my as... There exist people who would do this was saved from being the character! Is she only smart at the hand Darkness was using to grab,! Before they managed to avoid capture until the time limit, but… ” my... Its surface a problem with it then why don ’ t you hurry to the point where was! 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