CAN, COULD AND BE ABLE TO (part 1).pdf. Be able to is often similar to can and we may use it instead of can to talk about ability. I couldn’t have won so I didn’t go in for the race. This mind m... Ability and Possibility Can could be able to. No-one in my family is musical either. 17. S e usan can y be able to para hablar de habilidad en ingls. Would you like to become a member of iSLCollective ? A COLOUR GUIDE HELPS TO F... Six exercises for practicing can, could, will be able to. Answers. I have also uploaded a power point on this subject. NOT: "He can cooks." She could play the violin when she was three. Annie can swim, . 3. I (hear) you very well.can hear 0 I (watch) that programme last night because I had to go out.couldn’t watch 1 He (play) last week because he was injured. ! Im afraid I managed to / couldn’t understand what you just said. When the car broke down I was really pleased because I was able to solve the problem. d. couldn't.. can, could, to be able to, Auxiliaries, Modals in English, Exercises. This table shows the use of modal and semi-modal verbs. CAN - COULD - BE ABLE TO CAN - COULD - BE ABLE TO You use CAN to describe an ability in the present. Can, could, be able toWe use can to say that something is possible or that somebody has the ability to do something. Could / could Modal Quiz . I can’t / am unable to understand what you want. You may be right, but I would still like to check.. 3. Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #5491: Modals : Can / be able to > Other English exercises on the same topic: Modals [ Change theme ] > Similar tests: - Modal : may/might - Placement test 1 - Modal can (video) - Modal verb : must / have to - Modal : can/could - Must / Have to - Modal verbs - Modal verbs This is a listening and speaking activity to make students practice the structure of the modal verbs (can could and be able to). Correct and discuss any mistakes. 3. You'll be able to solve this, _________ ? Can vs Could Exercise 4. One day, I will be able to afford a home and a car. She is able to / can speak six languages. I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. exercise 2: choose between can, can’t, could, couldn’t andwill be able to We use canto: 1. talk about possibility and ability 2. make requests 3. ask for or give permission They ____________ go. I ____________ do it yet. Unfortunately, I really can’t sing at all! Can Can't Exercises 5-6-7 Mustn't vs Don't Have to Exercises 1 / 2 / 3 8-9-10 Must vs Have to / Has to Exercises 1 / 2 / 3 11. Affirmative sentences 18. 8. I could have won the race if I tried. Completa las frases con can, can’t, couldn’t y los verbos entre paréntesis. CAN, COULD & BE ABLE TO EXERCISE in PDF: CAN, COULD & BE ABLE TO MP3 LESSON: MODAL VERB EXERCISES: GRAMMAR AQUARIUM: GRAMMAR CLASS PLAYLIST : CAN, COULD & BE ABLE TO EXERCISE. You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. GRAMMAR WORKSHEET ALL Things Grammar Grammar Focus ‘can’ and ‘could’ Level Lower Intermediate ANSWER KEY My Notes 1. couldn’t 2. Thank you! We're going to a wedding. The fishing boat sank but luckily all the crew ____________ save themselves. BE ABLE TO EXERCISE, MADE IN VALENCIA BY BOB WILSON © ROBERT Modals Exercises 2. Task No. Auxiliary verbs esl. ONLINE EXERCISE ABOUT 6 He was allowed / able to ski down the slope in three minutes. 7. 4 Sir, you are not allowed / able to park your car here. It is a worksheet about can, could and be able to. 0 You don’t have to shout. ‘Can you meet me at 5?’ Is used to talk about ability. Put the correct form of either "can" or "be able to" for each sentence. 6. We often use to be able to or to be allowed to instead of can.We can only form the Past of can (could).To put can into other tenses we need the phrases to be able to or to be allowed to.. 1. For example: "He can cook." To talk about an ability in the present, we use “can” or “be able to” I can / am able to speak 2 languages. Could Should Would + Verb3 Can / Can't Subject Exercises: 1. She looks pretty sick. He can / is able to swim. There is an explanation followed by a fill-in exercise and the key. We use cookies to enhance your experience. From his accent, he could be from Toronto.. 8. Can, Could and To Be Able To Exercise INFINITIVE PRESENT PAST PAST PARTICIPLE to be able to can Š could ­ had the ability to been able to ˚ She could play the violin when she was three Š was able to ­ ma naged to ˚ We were able to escape the fire Circle the correct answer. All rights reserved. For all other verb forms (infinitive, gerund, present perfect, etc.) Thank you!! 1793. e.g. But be able to is more formal and is not as common. 1 Am I allowed / able to use your car today? Can and could - modal verbs exercises. Thank you!! 1. 1. See all modal verbs exercises here. Can / can 3. couldn’t / can 4. couldn’t 5. You can / may ask whatever questions you have.. 6. 3 pages of - A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF MODAL and SEMI-MODAL VERBS, THEIR USE AND EXAMPLES OF HOW THEY ARE USED. we should use be able to. You can / may go when you have finished.. 5. INFINITIVE: PRESENT: PAST: PAST PARTICIPLE: to be able to: can-could = had the ability to: been able … Title,%20BE%20ABLE%20TO.pdf Author: jose angel Created Date: 11/11/2010 9:42:07 AM Keywords () Auxiliary verbs exercises elementary, intermediate and adavanced level esl. • Can/Could can only be used in the Simple tenses (past and present). My brother isn't able to drive a car 2. But can only has present and past forms: can–could. a. can't be able to. Video: modal verbs. Modal verbs: worksheets, printable exercises pdf, handouts to print. They are able to do the job faster than anyone else. can’t and cannot. Make note of the fact that verbs never change after 'can'. Can, Could and To Be Able To Exercise Can, Could and To Be Able To Exercise Fill in the blanks with can, could or be able to. Welcome! CLASS, CAN, COULD & Can / Be Able To Exercise. 4. The different uses follow a colour scheme, in ... Twenty-nine sentences for practicing the use of "Can-Could-Will be able to". 1. b. not able to. Key is included. 1. Key is included. ‘I can ride a bike’. Let’s make this quiz and look your Grammar Level.Choose the correct answer. Can, Could, Be able to. CLIFFORD MCNAIR WILSON 1999 - 2015 Using can, could, be able to, manage to to express ability/capability. Esercizi di grammatica inglese sui verbi modali can could e be able to e relativo uso e differenze. ... CAN, COULD & BE ABLE TO Ability & Possibility. By exercises_admin On 26 July 2016 In Grammar Exercises †Can’, †Could’ and †To Be Able To’ Exercise . Need more practice? 5. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar!. 3 She was allowed / able to solve the problem in ten minutes. We use can + infinitive (can do / can see etc. e.g. can • If we talk about permission, politeness is irrelevant: We are just stating facts. He’s champion of his club. Underline the correct words. 2. 2 George is allowed / able to speak four languages. 2. Can / could - exercises May / might Must / have to Shall / should Will / would Mixed modals - exercises Had better Home. Only use "be able to" if absolutely necessary! Can you turn down the volume, please?. Six exercises for practicing can, could, will be able to. Did you manage to / Could you book a table for us yesterday? I could / was able to find my way because I had a good map. Can / could - exercises. Grammar-Quizzes Verb Phrases Verb Groups Modals Modal Quiz. Write the phrases in brackets in their correct forms into the gaps. Is used to make informal requests and orders. She _____________ come on holiday next month if her parents give her permission. Index of contents. Thank you! 1 Choose the correct option. By registering to and using our site, you agree to our use of cookies. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); CAN, COULD & BE ABLE  ID: 936 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: 11 Age: 15-18 Main content: Modal verbs Other contents: Add to my workbooks (276) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom c. don't be able to. The weather was too bad. Can, can’t, could, couldn’t, was / were able to, managed to - can (and sometimes be able to) – natural or learned ability - could, couldn’t, was able – general ability in the past - was able to / managed to, couldn’t (but not could ) – the successful completion of a specific action Finish the sentences : 1. ! 14. (Add 5 to 10 minutes.) This worksheet enables the students to practice modal verbs of ability- can, could, be able to. We ______________ go to the party. This is a worksheet to practise/review on modal verbs ‘can/can’t – could/couldn’t – be able to/was able to’ (expressing ability). Thus, can and could are just different time forms, nothing more. How many mangoes were you able to get? Answers. There is an explanation followed by a fill in exercise and the key. Key is included. ONLINE ENGLISH GRAMMAR QUIZ topic: ARTICLES: Mixed Modals #1 (Can, Should, Must) | level: Intermediate Choose the more natural-sounding option: 1. 5 You are not allowed / able to go into that room. The other possible time forms (Future, Perfect) require be allowed to. Congrats, you're now a member here, too. 4. Key is included. John can play tennis really well. Can you complete this quiz? There is an explanation of the use of can, could and be able to for ability and possibility followed by a gap fill exercise and the key. It tests what you learned on the can, could, be able to page. You must not / cannot / should not smoke in the kitchen.. 7. When the auxiliary can is not grammatically possible. can, could, be able to Quiz. I think she _____ go to a doctor. ‘Can you bring me my jumper?’ Has two negative forms,. exercise 5: choose can, could, may, might or must; exercise 6: fill in can, could, may or might; exercise 7: choose can, cannot, could, may (not) or might (not) exercise 8: choose can, couldn’t, should, shouldn’t or must; exercise 9: fill in should, shouldn’t, can, can’t or couldn’t; modal mix exercise 1: multiple choice exercises … A veces se puede usar los dos para hablar de lo mismo. Exercises: A. Chennai can be very warm in summer. Answers 1. My grandmother couldn… BE ABLE TO, BE ALLOWED TO, etc. Six exercises for practicing can, could, will be able to. Tìm kiếm can could be able to exercises pdf , can could be able to exercises pdf tại 123doc - Thư viện trực tuyến hàng đầu Việt Nam 15. Can vs Be Able To With Tenses 3. PERO hay veces que es necessario usar solo una .. Can, Could And To Be Able To Exercise.pdf url 1 url 2 url 3 &nbs. MODAL VERBS OF ABILITY, by Bob Wilson at Can-Could / Am-Is-Are...Was-Were Able to are mostly used in a similar way, however there are some rules and differences. You will need to study this lesson in order to complete this quiz. Sorry, Teacher. 4. 5. Julian could play excellent golf when he was only ten. Choose the correct answer for each question. Can is an auxiliary verb, a modal auxiliary verb. I couldn’t / haven’t been able to swim since I got an ear infection. This game can be played by two people. Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. Worksheets - handouts. 16. e.g. I created this worksheet for my intermediate students, but it can be ... Can/Could/Be able to - Listening Activity. I really hope you like it. Must / Mustn't / Needn't / Have to 12-13. Please contact me if you have any questions or … Is used to talk about possibility. Two exercises with modal verbs can/could/be able to, must, have to, need, should for intermediate level Welcome to ESL Printables , the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc. Wrap-up by having students compare answers with classmates, and then choose one or two students to write their answers on the board: (1) can; (2) Can / can, etc. He __________ pass the exam if he studied harder. :) Please wait until page is refreshed! He may be on holiday, but I’m not sure.. 2. Please up-vote if you like this. Car broke down I was really pleased because I was able to &! Verbs of ability- can, could, be able to use your car today use `` be To’! In ten minutes explanation followed by a fill-in exercise and the key present perfect, etc ). A home and a car 2 I 'm Seonaid and I hope you like to become a member,. ’ t been able to do the job faster than anyone else in! 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